The Red Pony by John Stenibeck | Teen Ink

The Red Pony by John Stenibeck

November 25, 2013
By ihaveacupcake BRONZE, Bluefield, West Virginia
ihaveacupcake BRONZE, Bluefield, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Red pony was the most emotional story I have ever read in my life. The little boy Jody Tiflin, had to grow up at a young age. The story was very intense in many ways. The only thing I didn’t like about the story is the plot always changed. The author never talks about one thing for a long period of time.
The story was basically a coming of age story. Jody is learning that he has to become a man sooner or later. In one point of the story, Jody had a horse. The horse died because it was very sick (strangles), and Jody started to experience emotional changes. Like I said the story does skip around a lot, at the end of the story they forgot all about the horse and focused on Jody’s Grandfather. I think this part of the story really didn’t need to be in there at all.

The author's comments:
The story was basically a coming of age story. Jody is learning that he has to become a man sooner or later. In one point of the story, Jody had a horse. The horse died because it was very sick (strangles), and Jody started to experience emotional changes. Like I said the story does skip around a lot, at the end of the story they forgot all about the horse and focused on Jody’s Grandfather. I think this part of the story really didn’t need to be in there at all.


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