A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer | Teen Ink

A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer

December 19, 2013
By Jasha.......... BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Jasha.......... BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The trails that a child faces trying stop the beating from his mother is tear jerking. He has the courage to survive, but sometimes that is not enough. He can’t stop it or her; it’s sad that he is getting treated this way! A child that can survive after being disciplined for things that he didn’t do is very strong! Some of his mom’s tactics were putting bleach in a bucket along with ammonia and made him go in the bathroom and smell the fumes; she would also do things to him daily and make him tell lies about the things that are occurring at home.

Just like a lot of people school became his only hope for escape. The author achieved his purpose by making the words sound clear, creating vivid descriptions, and giving plenty of detail. Getting his point across throughout this was effective and his words were strong. Child Called It left me confused and sad. This book also made me think and appreciate what I have. I would recommend this book to my family cause I want them to read about how this boy had gotten beaten and this book is not something to play with

It’s a sad book I recommend you should read it! It’s a really intense book.

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