Flowers for Algernon | Teen Ink

Flowers for Algernon

December 18, 2013
By Anonymous

Flowers for Algernon includes a mentally disabled man named Charlie who just wants to be smart to be accepted. Charlie goes to the extreme and under goes scientific surgery and will be the first person ever to go under this surgery to increase his intelligence. Does the surgery work so he can be smart or fail and he will never be able to be intelligent ever in life?

This is a difficult book because in the beginning it is hard because of Charlie handwriting in his progress reports. I would recommend this book to people who enjoy Si-Fi book because this book deals with a lot of science, this book interested me because of watching how Charlie grow interms of his reading and writing skills even his mental skills. I think Daniel Keyes did a good job of showing dialogue through the character Charlie and mimicking his writing skills. These are only a few reasons why I like this book.


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