The Girl Who Could Fly by Victoria Forester | Teen Ink

The Girl Who Could Fly by Victoria Forester

January 17, 2014
By tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
37 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Piper McCloud, a small town, quiet young girl that stays quiet does not go to school or to picnics. Her parents keep her cooped up on the farm, doing chores and trying to cope with life. As a baby, she was sometimes caught floating out of her crib and up to the ceiling. I loved the book so much that I read it over and over again! The author clearly wrote this to entertain her readers, and certainly me!
Description and summary of content
Victoria Forester is a screenwriter and author who was grew up in Ontario, Canada. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and a newborn daughter.
The book has a fantastic storyline. It is very descriptive and is a great book for teens. The book really surprised me when Conrad told what his escape plan was and what he was planning. This nonfiction book is so realistic that it could be possible. Forester used real places and real people somewhere.
I love this book! I think that forester should make a sequel or a prequel of it telling how they are as adults or how the other kids’ lives were when they were young. I will read it again in a few years and will still have the same responses I had reading it now. I will never forget reading this with all of the excitement throughout the story, with the drama as well.


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