The soul seeker series by Alyson Noel | Teen Ink

The soul seeker series by Alyson Noel

February 28, 2014
By Anonymous

Tale of the Raven girl

Do you ever feel like there is more to you than people know? And what you do know about yourself is that it scares you and all you want is for it all to stop,and for the answers that you are looking for to be found? This is roughly what Daire experienced in the opening of Fated the first book in the Soul Seeker series.
The story begins with her seeing these scary visions and it leads her to appear slightly crazy to the general public- OK very crazy I mean seriously she is seeing things! So her mother takes her to see her grandmother in Enchantment, New Mexico. A town which appears to be very ordinary to the outside eye but is in fact a very magical place and is the perfect setting for this book series to take place. Here she discovers that she is a soul seeker and meant to protect and save the town from the Richters, a family who wish to destroy the town and control the people in it. Daire then goes on to discover her spirit animal the raven and that she is the daughter of the wind, both of which guide her to her “fated one” Dare and some other friends along the way. The whole series consists of her journey where she learns how to become the best soul seeker possible. Of course each book is filled with minor plots like the events with Daire and Dare and the ups and downs they go through.
If you love a story with adventure, suspense, some romance, a dash of native american history in mexico, and a touch of spanish; this is the book for you. These books by Alyson Noel are an amazing saga that will leave you spellbound until the very end of the books and end making you want more. Beginning with Fated (May 22, 2012) then Echo (November 13, 2012), Mystic (May 7, 2013) and ending with Horizon (November 12, 2013). These books have captured my heart and are possibly going to become a movie by Cheyenne Enterprises which was announced on June 28, 2012 via Alyson Noel’s twitter. This New York Times best seller has left me guessing until the end and I hope that it does the same for you.. Fated was rated 3.7 out of 5; Echo 5 out of 5; Mystic 4.5 out of 5; Horizon 4.2 out of 5. So what are you waiting for!? If this adventure tale has intrigued you then go out and read this series and enter the magical world of Enchantment, New Mexico and see for yourself.

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