The 5 People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom | Teen Ink

The 5 People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom

April 8, 2014
By Jennfeck BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Jennfeck BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The 5 People You Meet in Heaven :by Mitch Albom.

Eddie was an older war veteran who felt like everyday he did the same job, saw the same faces, and lived the same life. Until one day when the courageous decision to risk his life for someone else came along. He took that chance when he tumbled with his brittle bones over onto a mat trying to save a little girl basically hanging out of her seat on a roller cart. Eddie saw a white light overcome his vision and then his whole life flashed through his head. Everything, his birthdays, special events and more situations that were significant in his life. Eddie died.

When he gets to heaven he didn’t wake up in streets of gold or at the gates of heaven. He woke up with this feeling of being so scared and feeling so alone. He woke up and stood, and he felt like a kid again like he could run and jump and his bones did not throb. He walked over to the stage at the Ruby Pier, and meets the first person. The other four people follow, but never all at once.These people could have been very close relatives or distant strangers. These five people slowly changed Eddie’s way of seeing the world and how he took things into perspective.
I think that Mitch Albom portrayed life after death in a very sophisticated way. He did not try and shove his ideas down the reader’s throat, he just simply showed what he believed in and maybe what gives him comfort. Mitch showed how life on earth should be so treasured and so blessed because we only have this one life and if we don't accomplish the things that we want to in this life we may never accomplish them. I think that this book really hit close to him, and I think that Mitch had an emotional attachment to some of the events in this story. Which personally, I think makes this book so much better. When the author takes the time to put passion and heart into his writing, I think that is what makes a good book and even better author.
I would recommend this book to a girl or boy over the age of 12 because though I do think this book was very enlightening and eye opening, I also think that this book has mature content and it is about religion also. If someone did not agree with Mitch’s religious thoughts, then they may not even want to read the book, but I think they should because it was actually a really good book that gave comfort, action, and surprises on every page.

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