The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game by Michael Lewis | Teen Ink

The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game by Michael Lewis

April 9, 2014
By Anonymous

The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game
The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game was written by Michael Lewis. In Lewis’s book, there are two stories going on. The main story is about Michael Oher and his life of becoming a football star. He plays left tackle on the offensive line. The other story is about the history of the left tackle position and how that position evolved into protecting the quarterback’s blind side.
In the beginning of the book, Michael Lewis tells about how the position of left tackle is changing and it is mostly because of a football player named Lawrence Taylor who installed fear into the quarterback. Taylor played linebacker and was able to run past the left tackle and sack the quarterback on his blind side. Lewis does this to emphasize on how important the left tackle is on the football field. Yet before Oher becomes a football star, he was a poor black teenager who lived in foster homes or any other place that he could find. He is then taken in by a man named Big Tony who tries to enroll Oher into the rich white Christian school named Briar Crest. Unfortunately for Oher, his grades were terrible but Big Tony points out to the coaches that Oher has a great athletic ability and a great chance for success. The administrators accept him into the school but as long as he keeps his grades. Later on in the story, Oher is taken in by a rich white family named Tuohy. They help him succeed in doing well in school and helping him get into college. With his great athletic abilities, many colleges come to pay him a visit. He soon narrows the colleges down to Ole Miss, Tennessee, and LSU. He picks Ole Miss and continues to play football there still protecting the quarterback blind side.
"Don't worry where I am. I'll tell you when I get there." Chapter 1, p. 18 by: Lawrence Taylor.
"Good God! He's a monster!" Chapter 3, p. 50 by: Coach Freeze
“We’re just going to go forward. There is nothing I can do about whatever might have happened to you before now.” Chapter 4, p. 89 by: Leigh Anne Tuohy.
The things that I liked in this book were that it gives the reader two stories in one book. Michael Lewis tells us the importance of the left tackle and why Oher was highly valued on the football field. Another thing that I liked about this book was how Lewis explains Oher’s difficulty in life and how he had to live through that and get by on the bare minimum. I did not really have any dislikes with this book.

My overall analysis of the book was that it was really amazing. The reason I got this book was because it tells a story about how a poor teenager going from living in one of the poorest neighborhoods to a football star and how Michael Oher never gave up especially with the challenges that was presented to him. One example was his school grades in high school and how he was going to get into college. He did not have the grades to get into college so he started taking online classes to get better grades. Another example was on the football field. Oher did not know the plays in the playbook, so he goes to the coach to explain the plays to him so that he could understand the play. Oher never gave up. He always had someone to help him back up and he never gave up.

If you are someone who enjoys a book where someone has to overcome obstacles all throughout their life and never give up, than this is a great book for you. The reason why you would like this book is because it has many obstacles. For example, all throughout this book
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Oher has to keep his grades so that he can play in the game and this is extremely hard for him. He also has to try even harder on the football field because he cannot read the plays so someone has to show it to him but even with all this, he never gives up.

I would highly recommend this book to every one of all ages. It is a great book with many twists and turns about Oher’s life and how he has to deal with them. I am not much of a reader but this book was one that I could not put down, so I would highly recommend this book to you.


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