I Too, Am Morphed | Teen Ink

I Too, Am Morphed

March 27, 2014
By Author5 PLATINUM, New City, New York
Author5 PLATINUM, New City, New York
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I say goodnight because saying goodbye would mean forever

The memoir “Morphed” is about a girl who was suitable and thought she fit into things like flip phones and keypads. She didn’t have much interest in iPhones and all those new fads and she was okay with that, though, she started to fall into peer pressure and became someone who she wasn’t. She was the artist and she completely molded and sculpted herself into someone who wasn’t her. She was morphed.
When I was finished reading, I realized how important things like popularity really are to others because they will go to extremes just to fit in. Whether it is being skinny, or having the latest clothes, or trying to be like some celebrity, people get so involved with trying to be someone other than themselves; morphed into another person. This is such a great memoir. It teaches a lesson about the outcome of trying to become popular and letting peer pressure affect you. Even I’ve had times where I felt insecure about myself and I thought that I needed to be cool and popular and have everyone like me. It was horrible because my grades dropped, and if it wasn't for the realization that I needed to fix my grades, I would probably have still tried to be someone I wasn’t. Now I know that popularity isn’t cool; being yourself is cool. This girl’s story taught me to be popular in my own way, without the new trends and without trying to make others like me. Hopefully, just like the girl who published this memoir, people who try to become popular will become artists so they can sculpt and morph their way back to how they were before and win the award for being themselves.


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