Bad Girls Don't Die by Katie Alender | Teen Ink

Bad Girls Don't Die by Katie Alender

April 23, 2014
By Freakychickens BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Freakychickens BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Her blue eyes almost immediately turn a glowing emerald, she starts speaking with old fashioned words. What is happening to Kasey? Alexis is frightened, worried, and angry in a way. “Bad Girls Don’t Die” is book number one of the “Bad Girls Don’t Die” series. “Bad Girls Don’t Die” is amazing and possibly one of the best books I have ever read. Alexis, Kasey, Megan, and Carter are the four main characters of this story.

Alexis is one of those girls that absolutely loves photography. But nobody really knows this about her. I always think why would somebody keep this a secret from other people!? She doesn’t really talk to people which is how I kinda started to understand her point of view. Still she somehow makes people afraid of her just by simply walking towards them. I would say that Alexis is the main character of this book. For this book Alexis is like the perfect main character. She loves her sister, Kasey, and would do anything for her.

Kasey and Alexis are very close but Alexis starts to notice weird things that are happening to Kasey. Alexis’s nickname is Lexi but only Kasey calls her it. She loves dolls, no matter if they are old or new. Apparently this is one of the reasons as to why she doesn’t have many friends. The ghost in this story seems to be attracted to her for this reason also. Katie Alender, the author of “Bad Girls Don’t Die”, makes it very clear when the phantom is back. All of these things leads to Alexis and Megan teaming up to stop the phantom from its deadly rage.

Megan is the co-captain of the cheerleading squad. She has been seeing/feeling these paranormal things ever since she was a child. Her grandmother believes in all this stuff but wants Megan to stay away from it. Alexis and Megan never really got along before but now that all this has come up, they are best friends. Megan of course disobeyed her grandmother and kept the secret of what they were doing. In the middle of one of their sessions, Carter shows up.

Carter is the class president. He has soft blonde curls and blue eyes. Him and Alexis meet in the way they shouldn’t have. But they soon develop something...something...special. Also, Carter is one of the most popular people in the school because of his presidency. If somebody, I am not gonna say who, didn’t say something on a school broadcast a year or two before, he would have never been president. Which would have never gotten him the friends and the popularity he has.

Alexis, Kasey, Megan, and Carter are basically the only characters that are focused on in “Bad Girls Don’t Die”. So, remember, if you have weird stuff happening in your house and one of your family members eyes are changing from blue to a glowing Ya never know what is gonna happen to them or to you, mwahahahaha. Once you pick this book up, it is nearly impossible to put down. Me, I was one of those people, I read it in a day!

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