Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell | Teen Ink

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

May 1, 2014
By Savannahwheeler BRONZE, Cave Creek, Arizona
Savannahwheeler BRONZE, Cave Creek, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A novel every young adult woman can relate to, Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, is a hilarious story that shines into the new life of a teenage fan-fiction writer named Cath. Just starting college, Cath struggles through the normal worries and confusion every introverted freshman faces in their first year. In addition, she has to cope with her outgoing twin sister wanting to branch out and meet new people. Being at the end of my senior year, this book encourages me not to be afraid of the unknown and stay true to myself because that will help me meet the right people in life.
This book was a true reflection of reality for a teenage girl. Although a small percentage of girls may have a twin, this novel mainly focuses on the journey of how Cath finds herself as she parts from her identical sister, Wren. Never being in a relationship, the audience reads as Cath struggles with her awkwardness with the unknown of love and trusting someone other than her family. Her single father struggles with depression after his daughters leave for college. Cath is forced to stay strong and decide if her family and friend’s well-being is more important than education or find an in-between. I believe many incoming freshman, just like Cath, are met with difficult decisions just like the ones Cath encounters throughout the book.
Artistry can be found in this novel during the excerpts of Cath’s fan-fiction about a popular book series Simon and Baz. Although I felt they were random at times, the pauses between the plot line were entertaining and descriptive. It was like reading into a fantasy world of magic and vampires (think Harry Potter). The language used was easy to understand but still creatively written from a perspective of a teenager whose life revolves around these characters. Cath centers her emotions into her writing. This develops intense love scenes between the two characters and dramatic betrayal. Her fan-fiction writing was usually a reflection of her love life. Wanting to read more, author directs your focus back into the main story.
I highly recommend this book to young adult women who want a good laugh and a comical read that will make one look forward or look back on their college years.


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