Hole in my Life by Jack Gantos | Teen Ink

Hole in my Life by Jack Gantos

May 2, 2014
By nickkalil BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
nickkalil BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The novel Hole in My Life, by Jack Gantos, provides a clear understanding of how a young degenerate can turn his life around. Previously known as a drug smuggler, Gantos is now famous for his skill at writing. Gantos proves that it is possible for people to grow from their mistakes and to achieve their dreams. Hole in My Life displays clarity, escape, real life, artistry, internal consistency, personal beliefs, and significant insight in a completely original way. The novel is a reflection of true redemption. Gantos does a terrific job of writing a story that can easily be followed. Hole in My Life is straightforward and logical. His fear of being sent to jail at such a young age is evident and realistic. At the same time, the book allows readers to escape reality by showing the abnormal life of a young delinquent. Gantos takes his readers into the world of violence, rape, and paranoia that criminals experience in prison every day. He brilliantly explains his story of how he ended up behind bars by carrying two tons of marijuana on a ship to New York City. Once caught, Gantos spends months in a medium security prison. However, seeing the misery of prison life, he decides to finish his sentence and changes his life around by becoming a writer. Hole in My Life is an inspirational display of growth and destiny. The novel delivers a phenomenal combination of humor and logic. The images explained are well specified, and the use of emotions shows the anxiety that Gantos feels while in prison. The genuine appreciation of freedom is really noticed as Gantos gets out of prison, turns his life around, and achieves his dreams of being a famous author.

The author's comments:
I am nice. This article is good.

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