The Kill Order by James Dashner | Teen Ink

The Kill Order by James Dashner

May 5, 2014
By Israel1943 BRONZE, Bedford, New York
Israel1943 BRONZE, Bedford, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live together, die alone

Ever wonder how many different ends to the world there is? Well, here is another. The Kill Order, by James Dashner, is an extraordinary book. James Dashner was born in Georgia and raised there. He has been writing for several years, but he used to be an accountant. Now Dashner is a full time writer. The wonderful company that published The Kill Order was Delecorte Press and published the book in 2012. Delecorte Press published this book in the United States. The Kill Order is a prequel to the thrilling Maze Runner series, also written by Dashner. This book was extremely well done and is an awe-inspiring read for anyone interested in dystopian society.

In this book, Mark, the protagonist embarks on a long and laborious journey to help find the cure for a disease known as the Flare. After the sun flares hit and wipe out most of the life on Earth, people start to panic. The world is pretty much destroyed but all of the remaining governments get together and make a plan. Their plan is to wipe out even more of the population by injecting a lethal virus into them. The Flare, (as called by the citizens), will spread and painlessly kill off unnecessary people to society. . But, the virus, A.K.A the Flare, that was injected into some of the people on Earth doesn’t kill them… It mutates them into human eating, hairless, crazy mutants known as Cranks. Mark joins up with his girlfriend, two ex-military veterans and an eight-year-old girl to try and solve the mystery. But for some reason, some people are not affected even if they have the disease. Like Deedee, the eight-year-old, was injected with the Flare when the government released it and her whole town abandoned her out of fear. But, she does not go crazy. Death and pain are around every corner, and you will not be able to put this book down. Like another book called The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken, both books have characters that need to try and solve the mysteries of the dark world that has been dumped into their laps.

This book, The Kill Order, is the most prominent book out on the market. With catastrophic events and despair at every page turn, you will finish this book in minutes. This is a must read for all people looking for a journey inside an appalling and gruesome world. The Kill Order is a mystery and sci-fi cover to cover read. If I had to rate this book, I would give it a 10/10, no doubt about it.

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