Legend by Marie Lu | Teen Ink

Legend by Marie Lu

May 6, 2014
By BryceEvans BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
BryceEvans BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The book the Legend by Marie Lu is about a dystopian society in the United States. Once known as the western coast of the United States, what is left is the Republic which is in a constant war with its neighbors the Colonies. One of the main characters was born into an elite family in the republic as a military prodigy. The other is from the slums and is known as the most wanted criminal in the country. The two cross paths and begin a game of cat and mouse until they both discover the truth about the country.

One strong element of the book is it’s in depth detail. The characters are so in depth that you can always know exactly how they are feeling. The author gives the reader an entire back-story before the plot really even starts. The author has the reader get a real understanding of the character before the excitement takes off. Not only does the reader gather an understanding of the characters but also the feelings of the good people in both social classes. The only trouble the book had was with the escape from reality. The plot of the book seemed a little too perfect. Not for the characters but for the rest of the world. The author has the other countries around the world blossoming while the United States is in an internal war. In reality if the United States were to do this entire world would suffer. The United States is a huge part of the entire world’s economy. If the United States were in trouble the entire world would suffer as a result.

The book did have a few problems. Besides the little blemish, the book is still amazing. The book was clear and easy to understand, and it agreed people’s personal opinion on morality. The book was an emotional rollercoaster of action and adventure that no reader can put down.

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