Kingdom Keepers by Ridley Pearson | Teen Ink

Kingdom Keepers by Ridley Pearson

May 14, 2014
By TotallyNotRyan BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
TotallyNotRyan BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Kingdom Keepers is a fantasy fiction book written by Ridley Pearson. It includes five DHIs (Digital Host Interactive), Finn, Charlene, Maybeck, Isabella, and Philby. There are two other characters that play a key role in this story, Wayne and Amanda.
In the story, Finn, the main character, becomes a DHI for Disney, and when he goes to sleep, his mind drifts off into a Disney Theme Park, only to find out that whatever happens to him happens in both worlds. He then meets this mysterious old man called Wayne there, who tells him to find the other DHIs and bring them there. It takes some work, but he finds them, and Wayne tells them they have to work together to defeat these villains called the Overtakers, or else they will gain power and be able to harm citizens in real life with their powers. To defeat them, Wayne tells them they have to first decipher the “Stonecutter’s Quill”, a riddle created by Walt Disney.
I think the book is amazing, it had creative events and places, like how there was a dream realm where you could pass through things and whatever happened there happened in the real world. Also, were evil villains in the real world, as well as in their dreams. So if you’re a person who loves to daydream or has a creative imagination, you will love this book. After you finish reading the book, the message it will give you is that sometimes people aren’t who they seem at first.

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