Of Mice & Men by John Steinbeck | Teen Ink

Of Mice & Men by John Steinbeck

May 28, 2014
By XGroundxXxZER0X BRONZE, Watauga, Texas
XGroundxXxZER0X BRONZE, Watauga, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every Laugh is a small revolution

A small but very smart man, George, and a big stupid brute of a man named Lennie are two men who travel together looking for work. They are trying to save money to buy their own acre of land so they can live free, easy lives. But they come across a little trouble at their most recent job as ranch hands.
The scenery, the way the author describes it just makes a vivid image in ones head and when you think of certain parts of books or areas of it you remember of the book, the scenery just appears in your head again just as clear as it was when your first read it. Also the author does a great job of having speedy but thorough character development. It, in all simplicity, is just amazing and outstanding. He makes the characters personalities just pop out in such a way that you understand them and makes you feel like you've actually met the characters. Although I did not (like others) like the ending. It is understandable why it happened the way it did but you would think that the author would've done things differently. But overall the book is just outstanding and one of the best I have ever read and would read it a hundred times over and never get tired of it.

The author's comments:
I feel this book is just so unknown. It is just so good and even I had never heard of it til I read it in school.

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