Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell | Teen Ink

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

July 6, 2014
By Lizziebeth PLATINUM, New York, New York
Lizziebeth PLATINUM, New York, New York
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Favorite Quote:
"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy."- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Have you ever been misunderstood? In Eleanor and Park, multiple topics of the struggles strike Eleanor: abuse, bullying, poverty, and the average struggles of being a teenager in this jaw-dropping novel.

Eleanor, an overweight misfit, starts a new high school after spending the last year with family friends. Eleanor meets half Korean Park, a boy half on the inside. They both know that first loves never work out, but they're willing to try.

This book is a real eye-opener and tear jerker. While the book is based on high school in the 80's the characters are so real that you realize that this could be any year. The book makes you realize that even though things seem perfect from the outside, they are never perfect on the inside, nothing is perfect. It also makes you realize that you must catch the opportunities that come at you because they may never come back again.


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