The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen

December 16, 2008
By Sarah Bilello BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Sarah Bilello BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
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“That was the thing. You just never knew. Forever was so many things.” In Sarah Dessen's book The Truth About Forever she explores the world of Macy. Macy is a self-conscious girl learns to open her self to other people. Wes is an extraordinary guy who is trying to repay people for the actions he did before.
In the beginning Macy dares to talk about her father. Seeing her dad die hurt her severely. She tries to cover things up but hiding herself with perfection. She then meets a group of people that change her out look on life, or rather bring herself back to her normal self. All of them have something in common, but you'll have to find that out.
This book is a great read. It will deepen your outlook and widen your knowledge. It deals with many life questions we all face. Sarah Dessen has very youthful writing with sarcasm, it's sure to have you laughing at one point or another. The exciting characters will leave you wanting to read more. Her amazing details will have you painting the image in your mind. I felt it was very enjoyable and heart felt. It is a good read because it will defiantly leave you asking yourself questions. I would recommend it to other Sarah Dessen fans and people who have experienced a death of a loved one.


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