Twilight | Teen Ink


December 16, 2008
By Jessica Cox PLATINUM, Dexter, Michigan
Jessica Cox PLATINUM, Dexter, Michigan
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Romance is one thing, but reading about Edward and Bella is something totally different. They love each other unconditionally, but must not be too close with one another or it could be the end of Bella's life, because you really don't know how dominant the part of Edward that thirsts for her blood. This is Twilight by Stephenie Meyer.

So, to summarize Twilight. Bella moves to Forks to give her mom and her new dad some space to be alone. While in Forks (the one most place she hates the most) she becomes to have a crush on the outmost crowd there. While getting to know Edward, she figures out that him and his “family” are all vampires. So while the “family” secret, she must act a normal life around her friends and family. Though, while spending time and getting to know his “family”, she runs into trouble on an outing. Another group of vampires wants to join their outing but accidentally get a whiff of Bella and her human sent. So she must run away with the “family” to save her life and the “family's” secret.

I absolutely love this book! I mainly like it because of all of the incredible detail and dialogue. It also had a very suspenseful writing type, the entire time I was reading it; I never wanted to put it down. Plus just the character of Edward and his mysterious ways caught my attention throughout the entire book. I'm already on the second one, I read it in a flash. And I absolutely recommended to all of my friends (even the boys).


This article has 1 comment.

jill94 said...
on Jan. 27 2009 at 11:04 pm
This is a wonderful review kylie! it's simply splendid. I love all the BIG words! You did MARVELOUS! See ya!