Fault in our stars by John Green | Teen Ink

Fault in our stars by John Green

August 15, 2014
By Ashley Falces BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Ashley Falces BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

John Green

The Fault in Our Stars

In The Fault in Our Stars the two most important people in this story is a girl named Hazel and a boy

named Augustus or Gus These two people are the most important in this book because when Hazel

found out that she had cancer her took her to a support group with other people that have cancer. At

first she didn't like going to the support group but her mom told her that the reason why she put Hazel

in the group is because she doesn't want Hazel to give up on trying to fight her cancer, because if she

gives up on trying to fight her cancer she will die. But one day when she went to the support group and

met Augustus/ Gus. And when they met she found out that Gus was cleared from his cancer. But one

day Hazel wasn't doing too well so Gus took her to the hospital. Then days later she comes out and

Gus tells her that he has cancer and he knows that because when he was waiting for her in the waiting

room he went to go test for cancer. This made me feel sad because he thought that he was all cleared

but then later find out that you're not. And if I were in his shoes I would feel very upset. I can't imagine

what it would be like to think that your cancer is gone and later find out that it's not. This book made

me realize all the things that I take advantage of because people like Gus and Hazel had to live with the

fact that they could die any minute and they were trying to made their life worth it. While I don't even

think about how I could lose my family at any minute. I never think about how I could lose my parents or

my siblings. And I feel awful that there are so many families out there that lost their parents or lost their

children because of cancer. I am so glad I read this book because if I didn't I don’t think that would have

ever realized that the most important people in my life can be taken away from me at any minute.

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