The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

August 15, 2014
By MiaHL BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
MiaHL BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Summer Reading 2014
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

“Some infinities are bigger than other infinities…”

These are the words of Hazel Grace Lancaster. A sixteen-year-old who at first had thyroid cancer but now suffers from a satellite colony of tumors in her lungs, which is terminal. She has short, brown hair, attends college, is in love with An Imperial Affliction and has very protecting parents. She is forced to attend a support group down at the church in Indiana. This is where she meets Augustus Waters, who is seventeen and had osteosarcoma that caused him to loose his leg and now uses a prosthetic leg. He was there because Isaac, their mutual friend, had requested that he be there.

As Hazel and Gus begin to come closer, Hazel shares her favorite book with him. They both love the book and both really want to meet Van Houten. Gus decides to email his assistant Lidewji Vligenthart. Hazel thinks that it won’t work because sent him countless fan letters and he has never responded to them. But to their surprise, he responded though Vligenthart’s email. Hazel then composes her own email and waits for a response. She asked for answers on what happens after the book. He replied to her a couple of days later, he tells her that if she is ever in Amsterdam that she should pay him a visit. Unfortunately, Hazel’s family doesn’t have the money to travel. She is also not physically prepared to travel due to her sickness. Gus takes her to a picnic where he reveals to her that he will be taking her on a trip to Amsterdam. Her mom and pediatrician arranged plans to safely travel to Amsterdam. After hours of flying, they finally reach beautiful Amsterdam, a place where white, falling petals look like snow. When they are finished, Gus takes Hazel to a bench where he tells her something that changes everything. He felt some pain in his hip so he went to go get a PET scan. It lit up. It was in his chest, his hip, in his liver. How will Hazel deal with this situation? What will happen to Gus?

I would DEFINITELY recommend this book to anyone who loves a good story. It was so detailed and really attacks your emotions. John Green did a FANTASTIC job at putting this book together. It was one of those books that you have loss of words at the end. It was so good that I don’t really know how to describe it. I give it a big two thumbs up and every young adult should read this book.


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