Alex,Who Won His War | Teen Ink

Alex,Who Won His War

December 17, 2008
By Jessica Cox PLATINUM, Dexter, Michigan
Jessica Cox PLATINUM, Dexter, Michigan
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Alex tried to select individual snowflakes approaching the window and follow their flight until the tapped at the glass and melted.” This relaxed flow and calm setting really grasped me at the beginning of the book. I am almost done reading Alex, Who Won His War by Chester Aaron.

My book Alex, Who Won His war is about a boy named Alex who along side his friend Larry stumbles upon a dead body that was washed up on the shore. One week later Alex finds out that the man he found was a Nazi spy. Things start to go faster and faster. When you don't think anything else could happen Alex finds out that there are two Nazi spies holding his neighbors hostage. You will have to read the book to find out how Alex solves the problem.

I noticed three things about Chester Aaron's writing style. The first thing is that his writing is very descriptive. He could make five second twenty pages long. He can really suck you into the book and make you feel like you are there. The second thing I noticed about his writing is something I have never noticed from any other author. Sometimes in the book he can almost put you to sleep in a good way. His relaxed flow can really make you settle in to the book and it makes you very relaxed. Finally I noticed that this Author never gives away anything. You never know what is coming next. Right when you think you know what is coming the exact opposite happens. This keeps you wanting more. I would recommend it to people interested in history. I would also recommend it to boys around the age of thirteen because that is the age of Alex. I think it gives you a better feel for the book if you are the same age as the main character.


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