I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou | Teen Ink

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

August 25, 2014
By Anonymous

After reading the book I know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya
Angelou, I really realized how special literatures are. This story of Maya Angelous was very inspiring as well as a gift to get to read. The fact that this was a true story and I could relate so much to some of her experience was unbelievable. It shows that despite your gender, race, or time era, we are all so connected in a way through similar feelings and experiences. Speaking fo similarity, throughout this book I felt as if I had been there listening to her and I felt a sense of relief and fascination. It was incredible how mesmerizing her memory was. When she felt unwanted by her parents and wodnered why she didn't live with them even though they were alive, it certainly made me think when I thought about how she may have felt. I couldn't exactly relate but if I think about ym biological parents, I could in some way see how I may be thinking I had done something wrong in orderto make my own parents give me up. Either way, you can always feel unwanted by some who is, or isn't even your family. Like Maya, I have traveled to places where I hae felt a little confused, but my parents always made sure I was with them or some trusted adult. However, I never really spoket he language of the country because I was so young, but Maya knew Spanish when she went to Mexico. Despite not knowing the language, visitng parts of the world has showed how different people live with their own cultures. You don't necessarily have to like their culture but you learn to accept other cultures. Maya always seemed to see the point and beauty in the experiences. Unfortunately Maya nad I have both also experienced getting harassed. I admire Maya's honesty and choice of words as well as what parts she decided to share. It is very scary to think about harassment and even though her details were from her younger mind, it still intrigued a horror within me. I have no critiques or dislike of this book, I just thought it was a great book. It is so incredible how her writing was able to capture these feelings within someone. Some memories just stay with you forever. I often felt how I feel when I have inner quarrels with myself and then I stop to try to think rationally, it made me feel hope and appreciative to feel such emotions from someone's story. It reminds me that everyone is born with potential, you just need to do what you need to do and make wise decisions. Throughout all the putdowns and frustration  you may feel, it really will be okay, even as much as the world has changed. Those who truly love you, will always love you. Life is an endless cycle of learning and much more. I am glad I decided to read this book, and it made me interested in reading other books on my own.

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