My Son by Lois Lowry | Teen Ink

My Son by Lois Lowry

September 1, 2014
By english12345 BRONZE, Alum Creek, West Virginia
english12345 BRONZE, Alum Creek, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Treat others how you want to be treated."


     I think that this book is a great book.  It is very appropriate for kids my age or older. The book I read was Son, by Lois Lowery. It was very interesting and technical book to read. I recommend kids my age all over to read this book. However I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone younger.

     I think that this book was geared for teens/adults.  It is a very mature book with very little humor.  The vocabulary in this book is very large.  I didn’t know a lot of the words in the book.  To read Son, you have to sit down and take time to read it.  This book is also quit lengthy.

     To be quite truthful, the author’s emotion is not very effective.  I mean she obviously cares and has passion, but she doesn’t really show it.  The lesson in Son is to never give up.  In this story the main character Claire never gives up.  She fights a lot of fights but never gives up.

     This book has three books in it.  Each book is made up with about twelve chapters.  In one book Claire just gave birth to a little boy.  Before they got any farther, the doctor notices something is wrong with Claire’s stomach.  She takes her out immediately.  She gets reassigned to the job of working at the fish hatchery.  She doesn’t like the job but she has to deal with it. 

            In book Two, Claire goes to the nursery every once in a while to check on her son secretly.  The nurturer takes care of him and takes him home every night.  She thinks she hears him call him Abe.  While she still works at the fish hatchery a boat dock is nearby.  One day she got on the boat and it took off.  In the middle of the ocean a big storm came and they crashed.

            In book three, another survivor finds Claire in the water, and takes her to shore.  They name her water Claire.  She has no memory so they take her to a magic woman that can save her.  After she regains some memory they realize that she could die because of the Trademaster.  When she’s about to die, her son Gabe, saves her and they reunite.

            In my opinion this is a very good book.  Lois Lowery is a very technical writer.  At some point I don’t like her and sometimes I do.  I have read two other books of hers and enjoyed them both.  Overall this book was fun to read.


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