Harry Potter Sotcerer and the Stone by J.K. Rowlings | Teen Ink

Harry Potter Sotcerer and the Stone by J.K. Rowlings

September 3, 2014
By Brandon Sayre BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Brandon Sayre BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone


Harry potter and the sorcerers stone  written by J.k. Rowling is a book about a young boy who finds out he is a wizard after his mother and father are killed ten years before. Harris sent to live with his aunt uncle after the death of his parents .they do not treat Harry very good and show ail their love to their own son . After Harry learns that he has magical parents he goes to hog warts school of witchcraft and wizardry to learn how to become a wizard  himself .along the way he makes new friends and gets into some tight sitiuations trying to figure out what is the sorcerers stone why is it so important ?


Harry potter and the sorcerers stone is a book that anyone may like. I think it is meant for older kids or teenagers , because  most of the characters are kids.this book teaches kids to work together with people and you can solve any problem. Harry is a very good friend and tries  to always protect the people he cares about and keep then out of danger. Harry potter shows a lot of courage in this book and he is definitely the hero and voldemort is the villain.


The book begins and the 10 years after Harry potter was sent to live with his aunt and uncle after his parents were killed by man named  voldemort. Albus dumbledore who is the head professor at hogwarts school of witchcraft  and wizardry sends letters have him come to the school  Harry's uncle keeps the letters from him,so they send a man named hag rid to bring him back. Harry ,meets new friends by the names of Ron weasley and hermione granger on the train to the school .once they arrive all the kids are placed into different groups selected by a sorting hat. Harry and his new friends get into some trouble during their time at school ,but always seem to get themselves out of the situations. To reveal the mystery of the sorcerers stone Harry and his friends have to go through many different missions. Harry learns that the stone will give the person who has it eternal life and money. At the end of the book Harry finally come face to face with the man that killed his parents years before. He wants the stone and has to fight Harry to get it.


Many  of the characters in this book are very special. Most of them are great wizards and can no wonderful things with their magic. Albus dunbledore  takes Harry and tries to be a kind of parents to him since he never really had that since his parents died. Ron weasley is a kind of clumsy boy who isn't very good with being a wizard. Hermione granger is considered a muggle which means she comes  from a family without  magical powers,but she shows everyone that she can be a great wizard too. Hagrid is a good friend to Harry and he is a really big person almost like a giant. Lord voldemort was a great wizard but is very evil and wants to have all the power for himself.


Harry potter and the sorcerers stone is a book that a lot of people might like it has a lot of weird and special characters and you never know what kind of trouble Harry and his friends might run into. The adventures and mysterys that Harry and his friends have to go through keep you guessing what is going to happen next. There are many times that you think they might not make it out  without getting  into trouble or worse . Even though Harry doesn't have the best home,when he is at school he is loved by almost everyone and is considered to be a great wizard even before he realizes is himself.  

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