Mocking Jay by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Mocking Jay by Suzanne Collins

November 20, 2014
By Noxvile BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Noxvile BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
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Favorite Quote:
You say you love rain but you use an umbrella when its rainy. You say you love the sun but you seek shade when its sunny. You say you love the wind but close the windows when its windy. That's why i'm scared when you say you love me

-Bob Marly

Mocking Jay/ Suzanne Collins 194
Scholastic Press, 2010,388 pp.
Young Adult/ Science fiction

You've been in the hunger games. You defied the capitol and now they want you dead. They send you to another hunger games. You escaped. Your city has been destroyed by the capitol. Now you have to fight along with the secret society of district 13. Your job is to be their symbol. You have to inspire the rebellion. You have to be the Mocking jay.
Katniss is a seventeen year old girl who just wanted to keep her little sister alive, so she volunteered to go to the hunger games so her sister didn't have to. She defied the capitol and now they want her dead. A year passes and the President Snow got Katniss into another hunger games. Her only mission is to keep Peeta the male tribute from 12 alive. But she was separated from him due to a plan one of the allies had. After chaos broke lose Katniss went to find Peeta. But when she broke from the hunger games force field and was rescued by the rebels she was alone. Now Katniss has to fight the capitol and lead a revolution to victory. But all she wants is to save Peeta. With the help of district 13 her team of body guards and her mentor they will save Peeta along with the other victors and fight together in the rebellion that will change the world for ever. But Katniss is always one step behind the president. She knew the president has Peeta and she knew that Snow will do anything to break the Mocking jay. Katniss has to lead a rebellion but she can barely lead herself. The only way Katniss can lead the rebellion and please President Coin is if she knows Peeta is safe because she knows everything Snow will do to Peeta is her fault.
The Hunger Games, Mocking Jay is a great book. Suzanne Collins did an amazing job keeping the reader wanting more. Just when you think Katniss has won the story takes another turn leading her to more twists in the book. Every time I finish a chapter I have to read the next. You will be on the edge of your seat in this intense book. “I want to tell the rebels that I’m alive. That I’m right here in district 8, were the capitol just bombed a hospital full of unarmed men, women, and children. There will be no survivors. I want to tell the people that if you think for one second the Capitol will treat us fairly if there is a cease-fire, you’re deluding yourself. Because you know who they are and what they’ll do. We must fight back. President Snow says he’s sending us a message? Well I have one for him. Fire is catching. And if we burn, you burn with us.” Katniss page 99. This book will keep you on the edge of your seat. It’s written in first person. It can get dull or slow at some times but the action and somewhat comedy from the book will make you forget all about that.
Besides the rare slow moving parts, this book is incredible. I couldn't take my eyes off it. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to read a book full of action, a little bit of comedy and romance. Suzanne Collins really out did herself in mocking jay

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