Eldest | Teen Ink


November 20, 2014
By donnieb BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
donnieb BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You’re a dragon rider who is journeying across treacherous lands with the biggest bounty out there on your head! Danger lurks around every corner! Be careful.

A dragon rider named Eragon joined a rebel group named the Varden to try to defeat the mighty king Galbatorix and the empire he has built but there was one thing Eragon didn’t know. His long lost cousin Roran and the other 100 people from his old village are trying to find him and join the Varden to. Can they catch the dragon rider, elf from Ellesmara,   and the dwarve? Let’s hope they can catch them before the big battle between the Varden and the Empire. If the plan goes like it’s supposed to then Eragon will go to Ellesmara, home of the elves, to train with the elves and become more powerful and wiser. One surprise thought! The queens of Ellesmara don’t have him train with just anyone…another rider that was thought to be dead during the Fall of the Riders! While he was training, Saphira (Eragons dragon) fought with Eragons trainer’s dragon and was hurt. In the end Eragon became much wiser and stronger. Then the day comes that Eragon has to help the Varden in the big war. The war was bloody and gruesome and someone comes to meet him near the end of the war! Someone he definitely wasn’t expecting… at least not like this!


I think the author achieved is purpose because he had me hooked. I couldn’t stop reading! I thought the purpose was to satisfy and it satisfied me! I thought the writing was powerful and difficult because it was action packed and had a lot of big, difficult words. Some strengths were that there is a lot of description, action, some romance, and some weaknesses were that I think there should be more action and romance. I found the book very interesting because I couldn’t stop reading. I would recommend ages 13 and up because it was hard for me to read and I’m 13.


All in all I think it is a very good book for someone who likes action, romance, and surprises. The impression the book left me with is a WOW,I want to read more! I think you should know the book is very long but worth every page and hour it takes to read it!


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