The Stranger by Albert Camus | Teen Ink

The Stranger by Albert Camus

December 4, 2014
By Anonymous

      The novel, The Stranger ( L’stranger) also called The Outsider, was written in France by a man named Albert Camus; This novel was first published in France in the year 1942. Four years later, The Stranger was translated by Matthew Ward.
      Part One: The story begins with Meursault discovering that his mother, Maman has recently passed away. When Meursault learns about this, he immediately plans to go to the nursing home his mother stayed in. When Meursault saw his mother in the coffin, he does not express any emotion of grief. A few days after the burial of Meursault’s mother, Meursault goes for a swim in the Algier beach; then, Meursault encounter Marie Cardona, a former typist who use to work with Meursault. Meursault had developed feelings for Marie, and that day they spent their afternoon together creating a relationship. A couple of days later, Meursault helps his neighbor, Raymond Sintes plan revenge on his girlfriend who is suspected of infidelity. Meursault writes a letter for Raymond explaining that Raymond invites her to his home to commit sexual actions, but it turns out that it was trap. By helping Raymond, it creates a bond between Raymond and Meursault. When Raymond’s girlfriend comes to his home, he slaps her and a deleterious situation occurs where Raymond begins to beat her. Raymond is later taken to court and Meursault testifies that his girl friend has been unfaithful, so Raymond is let off with a warning. Soon the woman’s brother and some of his Arab friends begin to trail Raymond and Meursault, himself and Marie go to the Algier beach. Raymond’s friend Masson invites them all to his home. Hours later while walking, Raymond, Masson, and Meursault have a confrontation with that Arab; however, during the confrontation, Raymond gets cut on his arm and mouth. After the situation has settled, Meursault goes out for a walk along the beach with he confronts the Arab, and out of panic when the Arab pulls out his knife and points it toward Meursault, Meursault shoot him once and then a few seconds later shoot the gun four more time at the already dead corpse.
      Part Two: Meursault is later arrest and is question about the situation. The first few days he was sort of upset because he could not see Marie that much as he is used to. After a while, Meursault begins to tolerate his new life in prison, and to past time in prison Meursault begins to imagine how his home looks like (all the furniture, ETC.) At the trial, Meursault shows a lack of remorse by being quiet and the attorneys begin to focus their attention on the fact that Meursault does not show any emotion about his mother’s death than on the murder itself. The final ruling was that Meursault is to be decapitated publicly. While waiting for his death sentence, Meursault meets with a chaplain, the chaplain wait to convince Meursault to turn to God for help, but Meursault rejects every offer that was given to him. After a while Meursault became frustrated with every obstacle he has encounter. On the day of  his execution, Meursault began to reflect on his own life, and for the first time he has thought about Maman. Meursault was surprise at the outcome of spectators on the day of his execution, Meursault wished that a larger crowd would have arrive and that the crowd would greet him with cries of hate.
      The Stranger is an interesting book that would appeal to many readers across the U.S. It is an exciting book with many details about an incorrigible man who gets caught in a senseless murder. This novel should be read by other reader as the vivid details and the life of Meursault can catch the attention of the reader in a snap. “The nakedness of the man faced with the absurd” is related to the theme of the novel which was found to be “The Meaningless of life”.

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