Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte | Teen Ink

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

December 4, 2014
By Angelica Hernandez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Angelica Hernandez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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Teen Ink Book Review
In Wuthering Heights written by Emily Jane Bronte, express the horrifying revenge all the characters have to face, for one person to realize, revenge gets tiring after a while. This books main character is Heathcliff. Mr. Heathcliff is a servant that’s in love with the boss named, Catherine. Catherine and Heathcliff are staying at Grange. In addition, Catherine was sent to become more fancy and mature when, she meet Edgar. Heathcliff and Edgar are two men that have many incidents between one another because, of Catherine being in love with both. Later, Catherine decides to marry Edgar and have a baby girl with him; however, when Heathcliff returns he plans to ruin their or anyone neither them to get revenge. Heathcliff then visits to talk to Catherine, but instead he gets a young woman in love with him. This young woman is Edgar’s young sister. When the two marry, they are returned to Wuthering Heights and have a dreadful life together. Soon after, Catherine dies and everyone is sad as can be. Heathcliff asks her to haunt him, for her to stay with him. This story is greatly twisted because Heathcliff had a son that is very ill and Heathcliff doesn’t want to get a doctor so he can get the Heights and Grand as his own. The Book’s theme is “they forgot everything the minute they were together again: at least the minute they had contrived some naughty plan of revenge” (Golding 37).
In this text, I was able to relate to some of the emotion when someone close dies. This emotion is like a brick inside your stomach that’s not able to be leased. Furthermore, in the story I was able to relate to one character. This character is circumspect on everything she tries to do. I personally fit into this character because, it is the stay personality I have. This character’s name is Nelly. Nelly was one of the servant that was with all the victims and revenge freak. She helps represent a role model that knows how to deal with problems and can relate or understand them as well.

My opinion about this book is that is wasn’t highly so interesting at the beginning, but it became to reveal interesting evens. My favorite parts is when all is able to be released from the revenge and is able to open the doors without fear. Inside the book I would change the beginning to a more exciting eye blowing beginning. Something this contain drama, revenge, and action. Finally, I would recommend this book to people who are able to sit down and relax. Also, to people that like romance and revenge twisted into one. I am highly positive that anyone or everyone would like it.

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