1984 by George Orwell | Teen Ink

1984 by George Orwell

December 4, 2014
By samuel dickson BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
samuel dickson BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

1984 Book Review

Winston Smith is a lowranking member of the  Party in London, Oceania. Everywhere Winston goes, even his home, the Party spys on him through telescreens; everywhere he looks  the face of the Party’s seemingly omniscient leader, Big Brother. The Party controls all things in Oceania, the people’s history and language. Currently, the Party is forcing the language called Newspeak, which trys to stop political rebellion by destroying all words similiar to it. Even the thought of rebellion is illegal.  thoughtcrime is the worst of all crimes.

As the book starts, Winston is angered by the oppression and massive control of the Party, which illegalizes  free thought, sexual desire, and any indivuality. Winston hates the party and has illegally bought a diary to script his criminal thoughts. He also acquired an obbsesion of a Party member by the name of  O’Brien,  Winston believes he  is a member of the Brotherhood—the group that trys to bring down  the Party.
Winston is a apart of the Ministry of Truth, where he changes   records to  the needs of the Party. He notices an associate , a brown haired woman, gazes  at him, and thinks that she is an informant who can  reveal his thoughtcrime. Troubled by the Party’s changing of history: the Party says  that Oceania has been allied with Eastasia in war with Eurasia, but he seems to remember when it was not. The Party states  Emmanuel Goldstein, the “leader” of the Brotherhood, is the most dangerous man in the world, but this does not seem likely to Winston. Winston spends his nights walking  through the most povertized  areas in London, where the proles, live terrible lives, free of the Party.
Winston receives a note from the brown haired girl that reads “I love you.” She tells him her name is Julia, and they begin an affair, always on the lookout for Party monitoring. They rent a room above a store in the prole area where Winston buys the diary. The relationship lasts for a long time. Winston is positive they will be caught and prosecuted. While Julia is more optimistic. As the affair goes on, his hate  for the Party gets intense. Finally, he gets a  message  O’Brien wants to see him.
Julia and Winston go   to O’Brien’s apartment. As a part of the Inner Party O’Brien lives luxeriously .O’Brien admits that he hates the Party, and says that he is a member of the Brotherhood. He welcomes  them into the Brotherhood, and gives them  manifesto of the Brotherhood, Emmanuels Goldstiens Book. Winston reads the book to Julia in the room above the store. Suddenly, soldiers barge in to seize them. Mr. Charrington, the owner of the store, is been a member of the Thought Police all along.
Winston is taken to the Ministry of Love, he finds that O’Brien, is a Party spy who   faked being a member of the Brotherhood  to trap Winston in committing an  act of rebellion against  the Party. O’Brien takes months torturing, brainwashing and manipulating Winston, who resists., O’Brien takes him to Room 101, the last stop for people disobeying the Party. Here, O’Brien forces Winston against his worst fear. Throughout the book , Winston has nightmares about rats; O’Brien puts  a cage full of rats onto Winston’s head and makes  the rats to eat his face. Winston pleads for him to do it to Julia, not to him. Giving Julia to him is what o’brein wanted.  Winston is released to the outside world. He meets Julia but  feels nothing for her. He accepts big brother and loves the party.

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