Forget Me Not by Carolee Dean | Teen Ink

Forget Me Not by Carolee Dean

December 18, 2014
By Anonymous

Forget Me Not/ Carolee Dean
Simon Pulse, 2012,374 pp
Realistic fiction

Would you want to walk around school, knowing people are talking bad about you? Would you want to live knowing there is a nasty photo of you going around school? What would you do?

Ally is a very talented freshman desperately waiting for love. She has a best friend named Brianna, and Brianna has a brother named Davis. Ally starts to have feeling for Davis; Davis starts to have fake feelings for Ally. They started to have sexual content one night and Brianna walked in on them. After that day Brianna never talked to Ally again. It was certain that she did take the picture of Ally lying in the bed with Davis. Then there was Darla, her dance captain, Davis’ girlfriend, set Ally up through the whole situation. She broke up with Davis the day Ally came to Brianna’s house, Darla broke up with Davis because she knew Ally was so desperate for him. Ally ended up having sexual content with Davis’ friend, Will, and when that happened, Darla took a picture of those to ‘doing it’ and that picture spread across school. Then there’s a haunted hallway, the H Hallway, where the ghost of a dead person goes. Ally was on top of the schools’ roof & she fell off and became a ghost. She hasn’t just yet died, but was she going to make it?

Forget Me Not is told from a first-person point of view, the character tells how she feels and how she reacts to the situation.” I remember going up there because I thought I’d find Davis. He’d sent me a text: Ally--- we have to talk. Meet me on top of the Brady.” Dean started to foreshadow by giving clues to what’s going to happen next in the story. I recommend this book to a 12+ age group.

This book had me on the edge of my seat; I was very anxious and curious of what was going to happen next in the book. I want people to know that you should think twice before you do things because you could regret it once you do it. I recommended this book to a mature age group.

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