"Daughter of Invention" re-make | Teen Ink

"Daughter of Invention" re-make

December 10, 2014
By Carmen Zamora BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
Carmen Zamora BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Daughter of Invention is a story written by Julia Alvarez. In this short story Julia talks about her experience she had when she moved to New York because her father became involved to over throw the dictator. Her mother was always inventing household items, but the family was never really supportive. Father wants to live the same life style with the family, but it was hard for them to do that. That is because they left everything they had like their house, cousins, island, aunts, grandparents and father’s job. Further on in the story Julia (the main character) had to write an important speech for all the teachers. Julia knew that she could say what she feels because it’s a free country. Back in the Dominican Republic, she couldn’t because she describes the Dominican as a “savage country”. Therefore, she wrote her speech after she got inspired by some poetry. When she was done, she was pretty proud of herself because she finally sounded like herself in English.
The next is the climax. Which in this story the mother called father to hear the speech. As a result, the dad’s reaction was unexpected to the mother and daughter. He got so mad and offended with the words that came out of his daughter mouth when reading the speech. For that reason he decided to get his daughter papers and ripped it up into little pieces to the point where Julia couldn’t put it back together. Things later on in the story got worse. As a result on the story Julia’s mother decided to calm Father down before he knocked down the door. Father left Julia alone that night. Tears rolling down her face heavily because her speech was gone. Mother decided to help her out in writing a respectful speech. Between Julia and her mom the speech was a success in the assembly. Julia’s speech flattered the teachers and the audience stood up giving her a clap. At the end of the story father decided to apologies to Julia by giving her a present. He had bought her a new electric typewriter. Of, course Julia was surprised and forgave her father. To conclude, this is where Julia was starting her school wide success.
  For my project, I am going to re-write the climax and how the ending would change. Now that I gave a summary of “Daughter of invention”. You know what actions the characters took. I am going to begin with the climax.

When Julia was finished writing her speech she decided to call her mother. Julia read her speech to mom and when she was done she felt proud of herself. “Mother what do you think of my speech?” Julia said.
“That was wonderful my child!” Julia’s mother, said.
“You really think so mom?” Julia said, Enthusiastically.
“Of course, Cukita don’t read it to your father yet until tomorrow at the assembly . It will be a great surprise for him.” Mother explained.
“I really hope so because this is America and we have freedom on speech.”Julia said.
                That day they both agree to wait until tomorrow.
The day of the assembly everyone was sitting down, waiting, and talking. While the teachers were setting up the stage for Julia. Then Julia got up on stage , feeling proud of what she was about to do. As she walked confidently towards the microphone she noticed her father in the audience. Julia began to read her speech without looking up. At the end she looked up and noticed her father had left the audience. People were staring at Julia with a confuse face knowing that she had just insulted and offended her teachers. At that moment she knew she had done the wrong thing. She couldn’t help it but run off the stage and find Father.
“Are you out of your mind Cukita! You just embarrassed me in front of everyone by offending your teachers. This is not the way I taught you in the Dominican Republic! ” Father screamed.
“But dad this is America! It’s a free country!” Julia screamed back.
“I don’t even know who you are anymore. This is not my daughter!” Father explained and walked away, angrily.
“I let my father down” Julia thought to herself. Realizing that she had screwed up.
“I’m sorry dad! Please forgive me. I feel so selfish for always thinking about myself” Julia said.
“No cukita! You have no idea how I feel right now. Seeing my own daughter up on stage insulting her teachers?.. And everyone knowing that you’re my daughter.  I am ashamed of being your father!”
“But father, all I wanted was to make you proud!”
Father walked away with tears rolling down his face and Cukita felt horrible.
To conclude at the end her father was disappointed and never talked to her about what happen that day. There was nothing Cukita could do to fix what had happen. This change her father and daughter relationship for a long period of time. He wasn’t the same anymore ever since that day.

The author's comments:

 I hope that people will see other actions that characters would take in my point of view.

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