Marley and Me by John Grogan | Teen Ink

Marley and Me by John Grogan

February 2, 2015
By Anela Cominella BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Anela Cominella BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
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“World’s worst dog.” Sounds kind of harsh right? Well that’s what people would call Marley. Marley and Me is a heartwarming, hilarious, and emotional book as well as movie. This story is about John Grogan, the author as well as narrator, and his wife adopting a cute and loving Labrador retriever. John adopts this puppy for his wife’s birthday after instantly falling in love with him at first sight. Marley started off as a cute and shy puppy but then developed into a 100-pound pure muscle disobedient, destructive, and mentally unbalanced dog. Although he was all of these things, he was also very protective and loving when he needed to be as well as someone to talk to and a shoulder to cry on through hard times. This story is based around the chaotic and rare life of the Grogans and Marley.  I personally prefer the book to the movie because of how realistic they made the story through the book.
Although the movie was a pretty good replica of the book, there were a few differences that I think they should’ve added or taken out. One important event they should have kept was when he stood guard over a stabbed victim. This victim was the Grogans? neighbor and was stabbed right in their driveway. They should have added this part to the movie because this was a part that showed how loving and protective Marley can be over people, although he may seem like a very bad and naughty dog. Another scene they should have added was Marley in his obedience class. In the book, Marley fails the classes, yet he comes back later and passes. In the movie, he fails but they never put him back in. This scene should have been added because it shows that he can be a good dog. The movie seemed like there was no hope for him and like everyone was just giving up on him. Those were a few scenes I felt they should have added in the movie.
I think that the director had a very good choice in actors and actresses. They made the movie very interesting and humorous and was a perfect fit for their parts. Although they did have good actors, they added in someone who wasn’t mentioned in the book at all. This person was John’s best friend, Sebastian. I felt they shouldn’t have added him into the movie because he wasn’t once mentioned in the book and he was in basically the whole movie and he was, to me, an unnecessary character.
The actors were very good but I was kind of disappointed. The book was basically all about Marley and his life. But in the movie, they made John and Jenny’s life and relationship the main point of the movie and Marley was just coming along as a comedian. I felt they should’ve have focused more on Marley. The book ends with the Grogans getting a new Labrador puppy and showing that even though they miss Marley very much, they are able to carry on with their lives and try not to live in the past. It gives the reader a better feeling after reading about Marley?s death. On the other hand, in the movie the death is a long scene and makes the watchers very sad for a very long time and the director didn?t really end the movie off with a happy note and with the watchers leaving the theater without tears in their eyes.
All together, Marley and Me is a very good book as well as movie. If someone wanted to only read or watch the movie, I would recommend reading the book. While reading, the book made you feel like you were experiencing all of the events. If the author wanted you to cry, you would cry, if he wanted to make you laugh, you would laugh. This book was expressed through a lot of emotion, but in a good way. If you watch the movie, you will a get a little emotional but you won?t feel as if your experiencing everything the way the book does. It also doesn?t really end off in a happy note. That is why I prefer the book instead of the movie, although both were very good.


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