Overwhelmed | Teen Ink


February 8, 2015
By Tayvin Tyler SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Tayvin Tyler SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     Overwhelmed by Stefania Gheorghiu is about a girl who is so overwhelmed that she cannot eat.  One night she goes to the store 7-Eleven that is open late and bought 5 bags of chips.  Then the next morning her mom texts her and asks her why she was up so late last night.  Her parents track her by using Find My Iphone.  Stef gets so overwhelmed with all of her parents love for her.  She doesn’t know if anyone else will ever love her as much as her parents do.

     I really liked this selection because I agree with how she feels about her parents.  I understand how it feels when your parents are very overprotective over you, but they know what is best for you.  Your parents will always love you even when you mess up or even when you don’t want them to love you as much as they do.  No one else will ever love you as much as your parents will and even though they show their love sometimes way too much, you will always love them even when they embarrass you like they do.


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