The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky | Teen Ink

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

March 20, 2015
By amberjulianne SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
amberjulianne SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
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“The Perks of Being A Wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky is a well-written book.  It is about a boy named Charlie who enters high school and is trying just to get through it by not being notice.  This all changes when he starts hanging out with Patrick and Sam at a football game.  Sam and Patrick are step brother and sister and seniors.  They kind of take Charlie under their wing.  Charlie ends up joining their group of friends.  Through the school year you can see Charlie changing and having flashbacks to his childhood.  Because of those memories he ends up in a mental hospital.  Where they later find out that his Aunt Helen was sexually abusing him when he was a child.  In the end of the book he decides to fully participate in life and he stops writing letters to the unknown person he writes to.  This book is very relatable because we have all been a freshman and had to deal with new surroundings and people.  Charlie also talked about how the people he was friends with in junior high he was no longer friends with in high school.  People change to fit in and that is what happened with his friends.  Which made him feel even more alone on his first day of school when he would say hi and they would not say it back.  Like many people Charlie is the youngest in his family and deals with his brother going to college to play football and his sister having a boyfriend.  He tries to live up to their standards by being smart so his parents will not worry and be proud of him.  The youngest always deal with the “I’m not good enough” feeling because they feel they have to compete with their siblings.  This book would be excellent for anyone in high school because it takes place in high school.

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