Love Does by Bob Goff | Teen Ink

Love Does by Bob Goff

October 29, 2015
By nicoleannmosh BRONZE, Sherwood, Oregon
nicoleannmosh BRONZE, Sherwood, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Living a life with Jesus is more than just talking about love or thinking about love, it’s about putting love into action. Love Does, by Bob Goff, explains how anybody can live a life bursting with love, joy, adventure, and whimsy as long as we “accept Jesus’ invitation to participate with Him in life.” (Pg.82)
He writes with a pattern of short anecdote, a reflection, and then tying it back to God.  There is also an entertaining pattern of tone in his stories as he starts off humorous and ends with a serious, thoughtful reflection at the end of each chapter. Because of the apparent duality of funny and serious, anybody can pick up this book and enjoy it. The humorous, the serious, and the both will all be happy with this quick read. Lack of complex sentence structures and hard-to-understand concepts allows most age groups to engage in this book.
Love Does goes straight for the heart. Goff encourages you to “live in a new normal” (Pg. 74). Each chapter is a story recounting Bob’s life which ultimately shows the power of love as well as the power of doing, in an interesting way. I would recommend Loves Does because it’s easy to understand, it’s humorous, and Goff brilliantly illustrates how our God is a God of love, by using his own life as an example. A story that sticks out and perfectly reflects God’s love is Chapter 22. It’s an anecdote about how Goff bought an expensive painting and chose to hang the original artwork instead of the imitation. It was damaged, due to an epic rubber band fight and Goff realized he liked it better with the mark, because it told a story. He connects this with God and explains how God wants us to be real, and isn’t mad when we take a hit but instead he likes us more because we are beautiful to Him no matter what.
Whether it’s flying across the world to meet with Tun Mahathir, making a giant Valentines Day card, or moving to Yosemite, Bob Goff does an excellent job at showing readers what it’s like to live being pro-active and trusting in God, even if it’s not all figured out because that’s where faith comes in. As long as you’re practicing love, Goff shows God will figure out all the details. He leaves the reader with a powerful message; You just have to do, because Love Does.

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