Running Blind by Lee Child | Teen Ink

Running Blind by Lee Child

February 19, 2009
By welcome2lolzville SILVER, Taylors, South Carolina
welcome2lolzville SILVER, Taylors, South Carolina
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Favorite Quote:

Women are being murdered all over the country. Jack Reacher, a retired crime investigator is put on the case with the F.B.I's top agents to find a killer who leaves absolutely no evidence.

To solve these 'perfect crimes', Reacher ventures to the homes of the victims where they were murdered in a stomach-churning, gruesome manner.

Throughout this book, Child shows how something like this could happen, and how investigators such as Reacher hunt down and pinpoint the perpetrator. I was shocked at the end, and couldn't stop reading as the rising action revealed more and more of this killer's dealings. Running Blind has taught me how people in a society think and how they react in the worst of situations.

I really enjoyed this book and would recommend to anyone who likes mystery/crime books. Running Blind is an adult book with multiple explicates. This book is the 4th in the expanding series of Jack Reacher novels by Lee Child.


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