Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks

January 27, 2016
By MichyRamirez BRONZE, Farmers Branch, Texas
MichyRamirez BRONZE, Farmers Branch, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Pick yourself up off the ground. You're sure as hell too good to let them hold you down." -All Time Low

Book Review: Safe Haven
Author: Nicholas Sparks

Summary: This story is about a woman named Katie who moves into South port, a little small town with not a big population. She meets a guy named Alex who has two amazing kids, but a sad background story of how his wife passed away, he works at a gas stations/ store and starts developing a sort of liking for Katie, who he finds pretty intriguing and suspicious. Wanting to find out more about her, he starts getting closer to her and ends up finding out a shocking story of the reason why she came to stay at South port. But will she stay forever? or will she have to leave once again?

I Recommend it to anyone who has a soft spot for romance novels, and who is interested in reading about some violence.

Rate: 5 out of 5 stars, because this story is so awesome!

The author's comments:

This Book is really romantic and keeps you wanting to read more.


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