The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

March 14, 2016
By Anonymous

The Fault In Our Stars Book Review

The Fault In Our Stars is a tragically romantic masterpiece written by John Green. This book is the #1 New York Times Bestseller, Time Magazine’s #1 Fiction Book of the year, and had millions of copies sold. John Green composed a bizarre story, which includes two normal teenagers with a little twist.
Regarding this, Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters both suffered from cancer. Hazel and Gus met in a support group and got along ever since. They traveled to Amsterdam with one another, had their first real romances with each other, and shared the most devastating moments together. Hazel and Gus never split up, they always had each others backs no matter what. Until, a huge plot twist took over. Everything was lost and changed forever.
To help express their love for one another, John Green strongly targeted on metaphors. Hazel and Augustus had a very loving relationship, most of these memories were their conversations, especially their metaphors. One of the metaphors is, “My thoughts are stars I can’t fathom them into constellations.” (Green, 311). In The Fault In Our Stars, each metaphor is shaped carefully most of them are perfect and suit the story very well. As Hazel and Gus travel to Amsterdam, the setting changes completely. In Amsterdam, Hazel and Gus go out a lot, visit interesting museums, and have much more freedom. This story is being told from Hazel’s point of view. Hazel sets the bright mood in the story. The mood definitely changed further in the story.
The Fault In Our Stars is a wonderful book, I think that it is thoughtful and well made. Honestly, I sometimes want to throw this book across the room. But mostly, I just want to huddle up in a blanket and cry during the saddest parts. Although I have different opinions on certain parts of the book, I still reread it word-for-word again and again. John Green’s writing was very powerful, I had lots of different emotions and feelings while reading this book. John Green made thousands of people cry over his book and the movie, I think that he has definitely achieved his purpose.
The Fault In Our Stars is one of the best books I read so far and I would recommend it to any teenager or young adult looking for a new book to read. John Green has beautifully put together this book, and I think that it could put a lot of tears into anybody’s eyes.

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