Eve.. by Ann Carey | Teen Ink

Eve.. by Ann Carey

April 1, 2016
By monroe BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
monroe BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Eve is a polite well mannered girl who never questioned authority. Arden is a rebellious teenager who never follows the rules. When they both come to learn the truth about what the future holds for the girls at school, Arden escapes with Eve following right after. Later they meet in the woods and work together trying to survive while escaping the king's army, when they meet a young man named Caleb. Since never seeing a man since enrolling in school, and being taught they were dangerous and not to be trusted, Eve remains uneasy about accepting his help. With time though Caleb gains her trust her love. But with the king still after Eve, she faces an impossible decision, will she choose love or life.

Eve is a book about a girl who learns to become independant. She learns things about herself she never knew before, and did things she never imagined she could do. This book is all about a young girl finding herself and learning that she can overcome any challenge she may face. This book also shows reader to not judge someone based on and prejudice, such as gender. Eve had a preexisting belief that all men were bad and never to be trusted. But as she grew to know him, she slowly began to trust him, and she realized that every belief she had held before was wrong, and because of this she learned to not judge others before actually getting to know them, which showed to be a very important message throughout the whole book. The author also tries to show the readers that sometimes it can be very difficult to overcome challenges when in love. Eve learns about love in the book. She had never been in love before and comes to learn just how powerful that feeling could be. Eve is having a major internal dilemma, just how far she is willing to go for the person she loves, and what she is willing to give up.

As I read the book, I found the overall themes interesting, but i felt that as the book went on it wasn't as climactic as I had hoped it would be. I felt the book lacked the big feeling of excitement as I read.  And I was kept waiting for the moment when I would be able to feel relieved because a conflict was resolved, I felt that big moment never quite came in the book. I feel this book definitely was not the book for me, as much as I love reading dystopian love stories I feel this was not the book to read if you are looking for a good interesting and thrilling story.

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