Anthem by Ayn Rand | Teen Ink

Anthem by Ayn Rand

May 9, 2016
By Whitworth12000 BRONZE, Kansas City, Missouri
Whitworth12000 BRONZE, Kansas City, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Recently I read a book titled Anthem by Ayn Rand. It was an incredibly good book and somewhat short. In total it has 105 pages in the copy I have. I read it for class thinking it would be a boring and slow read, but I was mistaken. Throughout the book there was never a dull moment. In this paper I will be discussing this book, will a rating at the end. Let's begin.
 In the beginning of this book we are introduced to one of our main characters named Equality 7-2521. Equality is taught from a very young age that no one person is to be different, but that everyone should be equal and the same. Equality broke this rule in the beginning. He was a very curious child and was always asking questions that no other children asked so her got beaten more than other students. Students are taught how to live in their society until they are 15. Once they turn fifteen, a council member decides the student's jobs. I thought this part was very interesting when I read the book. I believe that someone else choosing their jobs represents how no one is aloud to be individual.


In the middle of this book everything changed for better and for the  worst. Equality found a friend, but in his society that is a transgression. Since I do not want to spoil the book for you, I will just say the middle ending of this book were amazing. In total I give this book a 4 out of 5, I would give it a 5 out of 5, but the ending of the book was such a cliffhanger. The author left me hungry for more and I don’t know if there is another book adding to this book.

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