The Fever Code by James Dashner | Teen Ink

The Fever Code by James Dashner

November 20, 2016
By NicolasM BRONZE, Brentwood, New Hampshire
NicolasM BRONZE, Brentwood, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

WICKED is good.

The world is in danger, an epidemic.  And only one group stands in their way, WICKED.  The people who intended on “only killing half of the world’s population” have come to stop the very same virus they released.  WICKED found a boy, and together, they would attempt to save the world.

The Fever Code, written by James Dashner, is the fifth book in “The Maze Runner” series, recounting the story of Thomas, a scared young boy who after witnessing the death of his parents, get scooped up and taken to the WICKED facilities.  WICKED was created against “The Flare”, a virus that destroyed most of the world after devastating solar flares hit the surface. 

Day in and day out, Thomas is put into classes and learning non-stop, with the addition to extremely hard and long puzzles, which can fry his brain.  After years of classes, he finally meets with other kids, including the other “elite subjects”, Teresa, Aris, and Rachel.  Together, they will create two mazes to test the brains of the kids immune to the virus to find a cure.  Thomas will learn more about WICKED than he ever wanted to.

If you have ever read The Maze Runner series, “The Fever Code” is a must-read.  With exciting twists and turns, you never know what’s coming next.  You learn more about WICKED and Thomas before he ever entered The Maze, however, some questions do remain unanswered.

With its rises and falls, Dashner keeps you on edge and made it extremely hard to put it down.  His vivid details make it seem as if you are part of Group A, and you are able to feel everything that Thomas is going through.  For Thomas, the mindset and characteristics of people will change into ways he never saw coming.  He has an internal battle within himself for who he should believe and who he should trust. They may not even be the same.  Thomas will have to face a very hard decision, should he save his friends and risk it all, or should he continue with The Maze for the greater good?

With the other books in the series, the bar was definitely set high.  Readers wanted another book, and Dashner delivered with magnificence.  The Fever Code does a great job of making you want more and more each and every chapter along the way.  Dashner does an amazing job with the book making many want a 6th, a Death Cure sequel.  His ending with the book does a great job of bringing the series full circle and was on par with the other books.

WICKED is good.


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