Paper Towns by John Green | Teen Ink

Paper Towns by John Green

January 27, 2017
By Katrina.m BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
Katrina.m BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Green, John. Paper Towns. NY, NY, The Penguin Group, 2008, 305.

You wouldn’t think that the day after having a crazy adventure through town late at night with the girl of your dreams she would just disappear, but that is exactly what happened in Paper Towns, by John Green. Quentin “Q” Jacobsen and Margo Roth Spiegelman have been best friends and neighbors for life. One night, Margo decides to take him on an adventure of revenge against her enemies: going from house to house, breaking in and setting up traps, like Vaseline on doorknobs and spray painting “M” for Margo on every victim's house, at all of their enemies houses. After their night adventure is over, they get home with time to spare before they have to get up for school. When Q wakes up half an hour later, Margo is nowhere to be found. She does this often and always comes back a few days later, but when she was gone for over a week, Q and his friend, Ben, start an investigation. They find clues, left specifically for Q. The day of graduation, Q thinks he found where she is and a few of his friends take a trip to a small town in New York they decide to call Paper Towns.

I like this book because it’s always moving. There’s not a time in the book where you will be bored. I liked the point-of-view because Q is telling the story. Q is very brave and daring. He cares a lot about his grades, too, but he likes to have midnight adventures every once in awhile. The way the book was written pulls you in. Each chapter leaves you hanging that you can’t stop there. At the end of a paragraph, it is usually a cliffhanger of some sort. I liked how John Green made the book descriptive like, “Margo's blue blue eyes blinked as she looked impossibly beautiful right then, her jeans wet against her legs, her face shining in the gray light.” I would recommend this to people who like to read a book about adventure and a little romance. Just a warning it uses words that rhyme with duck and bell.


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