The Fault in our Stars | Teen Ink

The Fault in our Stars

June 7, 2017
By alannamarie2 BRONZE, Vauxhall , Alberta
alannamarie2 BRONZE, Vauxhall , Alberta
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The book I read was called “The Fault in Our Stars”, it is about a girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster. Hazel was diagnosed with cancer at a young age and is still going through the same experience today, she is homeschooled so she never really gets out much except when her mom makes her. Her mom started to believe she was depressed so she made her go to this support group. She started going to it for a while then she noticed a not so familiar face, Augustus Wauters. Augustus was a cancer survivor and he went through the same experiences as Hazel and that is how the bonded. They bonded over a book as well, the same book Hazel kept reading over and over again, called Imperial Affliction. The end up hanging out more and more each day and up falling in love. But then something terrible happens, read this book to find out.


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on Aug. 20 2017 at 8:59 pm
bo_olsen PLATINUM, Nampa, Idaho
28 articles 1 photo 60 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I Solemnly Swear That I Am Up To No Good"

Okay, so, first, Hazel was not home schooled. As Augustus Waters pointed out many times over the book, she's a 16 year old taking college classes. And second, Augustus did not go through the same experiences as Hazel. Augustus got his leg amputated and Hazel got an oxygen tank.