Paper Towns by John Green | Teen Ink

Paper Towns by John Green

September 22, 2017
By Anonymous

My book, paper towns was an average good book i would rate it 8 out of 10 because first, i have read better books. The other reason is because the ending was not my favorite, i would have imagined a whole different ending. The characterization of this book was very good, i did like the characters in the story and how this book organized the personality of each character.What i learned from this book was that the ending doesn't  have to end the way every classic romance story ends. Some personal connections to paper towns could be when quentin didn’t give up on margo and did whatever to find her, i can relate by not giving up either but in a different type of scenario. A connection  i have between this book and other books i have read is that this book is a classic, romance story with a twist of teens looking for someone that their friend likes and how they go through an adventure before highschool ends. I recommend this book to people that  like romance stories and are  okay with swearing and mature content. “Good movie, but really strong language. The MPAA rating is perfect, but the language fits an R rating rather than a PG-13 one. I do NOT recommend this movie for pre-teens.” (john green ,167) Those people that do not want to read this kind content, you might want to skip this book .” The thing about Margo Roth Spiegelman is that really all I could ever do was let her talk, and then when she stopped talking encourage her to go on, due to the facts that i  was incontestably in love with her”(quentin 25). This book is a very  good teen book that everyone that likes this context should read.

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