The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros | Teen Ink

The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros

January 1, 2018
By lordcubano628 BRONZE, Bloomington, California
lordcubano628 BRONZE, Bloomington, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“The House on Mango Street” is a very interesting book written by Sandra Cisneros. Even though the book has a limited number of pages, it teaches very important things. I believe this book is one worth being read because it makes you feel as though you live on Mango Street with everybody and puts you in a understanding place.

This book places the reader in the main character's perspective. The main character is a younger girl named Esperanza who moves to a house on Mango Street and gradually learns about all that surrounds her. The plot of the story is that Esperanza moves to a new house with her family and meets a lot of new people. She starts to figure out who she is fond of and who she isn't. She then makes a friend named Sally who is physically abused by her father. Esperanza tries to be there for her and help her. She eventually moves into her own place.

"The House on Mango Street" is a very intriguing book. I like the author's style of writing. She introduces a new character or several characters in every chapter. Each character is also given their own life story which draws you into the story even more. For example," Marin's boyfriend is in Puerto Rico. She shows us his letters and makes us promise not to tell anybody they're getting married when she goes back to Puerto Rico." I also like how the book is very realistic and that a lot of people can relate to any one of the characters because they're all down to earth and all have real life problems they are living through.

"The House on Mango Street" in my opinion is a greatbook and will be interesting to readers of varied ages because it is based on a person struggling through real life problems most people experience. The main character is trying to figure out who she is, where she belongs and who belongs in her life. It's short and to the point and I personally really like that about it. I definitely think this book is worth reading.


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