The Eye of Minds by James Dashner | Teen Ink

The Eye of Minds by James Dashner

May 16, 2018
By DavyBramer GOLD, Rolla, Missouri
DavyBramer GOLD, Rolla, Missouri
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The VirtNet is a total self immersion being physically present in a nonexistent world. Michael the main  character in The Eye of Minds is very experienced in hacking which is very handy in the VirtNet. Experienced enough that the government (Vns) needs Michael to help the VirtNet. An Evil mastermind in the book named Kaine have been trapping players of the VirtNet into the game making them not being able to ever come back to reality leading them to suicide Michael and his friends Sarah and Bryson are determined to catch Kaine with the government helping them. Using the VirtNet they have to hack the technology inside and solve codes and puzzles find Kaine and take him down.

Life at home for Michael is pretty different he lives with his parent who are always gone. Most of his life consists of the VirtNet and his Friends. The Eye of Minds are perfect balance among T&F of Michaels head Visuals of the VirtNet and realistic dialogue.

Visuals of places in the VirtNet , first experience, the realm of code and many more.

The characters in the book where very plausible even since almost all of it is in a video game. There are a lot of themes in Eye of Minds but one major one was If Michael the main character gave up in any part of his journey he would of gone nowhere. But with his friends they pushed through all situations possible.

I personally really enjoyed the Eye Of Minds.The turns where always unexpected, the cliffhangers after every chapter wanted me to read the next one. And there was always some action going on during the book. I would recommend this book to readers who love Science fiction or futuristic books  I rated it a 10/10 If you want a story that involves Vr and futuristic stuff pick up a copy of “The Eye of Minds”
Author: James Dashner
copyright:  October 8, 2013
Pages:  312

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