The princess Switch movie review | Teen Ink

The princess Switch movie review

November 30, 2018
By Anonymous

The princess switch is a wondrous Netflix official movie. The movie is based on 4 important protagonists Stacy de Nova, Lady Marget Delacourt, Kevin, and Prince Edward. Stacy de la nova is a Chicago baker (Vanessa Hudgens) that is pushed into competing in a royal baking competition with her best friend Kevin (Nick Sagar). Lady Marget Delcourt lives in Belgravia soon to be princess who wants to switch places for two days to see what it's like to be a real woman (Venessa Hudgens ). Kevin is Stacy de la nova best friend Lastly, Prince Edward is a prince that is soon to get married wit Lady Marget Delacourt.

I like this movie because it describes a relationship between royalty and a normal life, not only that but it shows a conflict and each person learns from each other. However, what i like about the movie is that it shows a perfect description of how it would look in real life and it was base on Christmas. something I don’t like about the movie is that there wasn't as much drama. On the other hand, people should watch this movie because it's interesting and it would brighten your day.

Although the characters in the movie they dress differently Stacy dresses normally in winter clothes, Lady Marget dresses different So, does Kevin and Prince Edward. Furthermore, the 4 protagonist moods change Kevin starts suspecting Stacy's been acting weird Prince Edward thinks Marget is still Marget he doesn't suspect a thing, which makes it a little bit more interesting and one question I ask myself is why he doesn't suspect yet.

In the movie One week before Christmas Stacy meets Lady Marget and she invites her over to the palace lady marget describes how she wanted to switch places with Stacy who looks exactly like her . but in those two days, they both fall in love with each others man.

In conclusion, this is my review on the Netflix original movie “ the princess switch ’’. In my opinion, people should watch this movie because its something everyone would like to watch. it would entertain people and show them you can be anything either royal or staying a normal person as the movie shows the relationship between Lady Marget and Stacy De la Nova.

This will certify that the above work is completely original ~ Nicole Arlene Osorio

The author's comments:

This is a netflix movie anybody will like to see 

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