Film Review | Teen Ink

Film Review

March 25, 2019
By VitaminA BRONZE, Yakima, Washington
VitaminA BRONZE, Yakima, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Film: Finding Forrester

At my high school, we were forced to watch a movie called Finding Forrester.  Now; most high school students wouldn't exactly appreciate this movie because, well, let’s face it, the title doesn't exactly strike you as “exciting”. But, as the old phrase phrase goes, “looks can be deceiving,” and that’s exactly how it was. Finding Forrester is about a colored boy named Jamal Wallace, played by Rob Brown, who lives in a small neighborhood with his mom and his brother. This fictional character is 16 and likes to write and play basketball. “William Forrester” played by Sean Connery is a lonely man who stares out his window and never leaves his apartment. This film was released in the year 2000, and was distributed by Columbia pictures. The main producers of this film are Sean Connery, Rhonda Tollefson and Laurence Mark. It was directed by Gus Van Sant and the screenwriter is Mike Rich. The film has a rating of PG-13 and is more of a dramatic film, based on the fact that William and Jamal discuss a lot of feelings. It starts out as William or “Sean Connery” in a small apartment that nobody has ever gone near, for the fear of getting murdered. Or at least that’s what the rumors on the streets have led people to believe. Jamal is dared by his friends, to go into the apartment and see what the big deal is. In doing so, he leaves his bag behind when he is scared by “the man in the window.”


Jamal is eventually given his backpack back, and when he looks at his notebooks; that he usually writes in, they are all marked up in red pen. Jamal seeing this, is curious as to why he took notice in his notebooks and decided to confront him about it. Once he confronted him Jamal figured out that William is the writer of a fictional book called ‘Avalon Landing’. The two became friends and Jamal eventually got him to venture out of his small, crowded apartment to go see a baseball game. That didn’t end too well because William got lost and ended up getting an anxiety attack from the huge crowd of people. After calming William down, Jamal takes him to a private baseball stadium that is completely empty, and William proceeds to tell Jamal why he has stayed in his apartment all these years. I would give this film a ten out of ten rating because it keeps you on your toes. Sean Connery also acts in many well known movies such as; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and  Dr. No. Sean also has a famous role as James Bond in the early 1960’s. Some of those movies include Thunderball and Gold Finger.

The author's comments:

This piece shows how good this movie actually is. 

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