El Norte | Teen Ink

El Norte

March 28, 2019
By Anonymous

Have you watched a immigration movie? And if you have, Have you watched one not filmed in a different country?

El Norte is a interesting immigration film that is about a man named Enrique and a women named Rosa learning to be Mexican and American but also the adventure to be a immigrant. Enrique and Rosa are brother and sister trying to make it out of the struggle and “have a better life” like how there family was talking about. This movie has a great plot twist for example the circles. In the movie you have to look out for the circles. Hats, Car headlights, also how the camera goes the sky to the moon with the clouds how it disappears and reappears. The circles are a sign and the signs are clues that will led you to the major plot twist. In my opinion this movie was very interesting I recommend this movie to americans because it was set in Guatemala and very different from other movies shot in the US.

Enrique and Rosas story is tragic, they leave guatemala after their whole family is killed. It started when their father tried to escape with other workers after being worked like slaves . He couldn’t escape because someone snitched that they were leaving, they were all found and killed. Enrique and rosa didn’t have any other choice than to leave if not they would be killed also. There journey to United States is not easy. When they finally get there it wasn’t like in the magazines , with a big house , good furniture , and a lot of money. They realized that life wasn’t easy in the US and that they are only a “pair of arms”.


I recommend you to watch this movie because it will explain the circles at the end and it has an amazing plot twist.

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