Avatar | Teen Ink


August 15, 2019
By MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
678 articles 0 photos 8 comments

 Avatar is a science fiction adventure that involves futuristic technology, an alien planet and an indigenous tribe that appear to be primitive and simpleminded but are actually quite evolved, leaving the human scientists that are studying them in awe of what they can learn from one another. The movie revolves around the planet Pandora, a luscious world that is flourishing with both plant and animal life. Here, the Na'vi, an alien species of blue-skinned, advanced organisms, mostly live in harmony. Although at first glance they may seem to just be tribal creatures no different than Native Americans or other typical indigenous tribes found on Earth, these aliens are actually quite sophisticated and may even be more evolved than humans. While Earth is dealing with disaster due to how humans have mostly destroyed their home world, scientists are studying the world of Pandora. However, in order to do so, it is necessary for the explorers of their world to utilize Avatars, a hybrid between humans and Na'vi that involves putting a human's mind inside of the larger, stronger body. The hybrid body is protected from the naturally poisonous environment of the planet and is one of the only reasons why the scientists are even able to get up close to the planet's coolest features. When inside of Avatars, humans are able to link up with these extraordinary bodies and do things that they could never do in their normal bodies, like climb with ease and embrace their newfound physical strengths. Jake Sully, a former marine that's paralyzed below the waist, is a human that uses an Avatar and has only gotten involved with the program to help do justice for his dead twin brother, who was actually a huge supporter in creating the Avatars and planned on using one. Now using his brother's Avatar, Jake can walk again in the hybrid body and finds himself communicating with the native Na'vi after a freak accident leaves him left behind by his human companions. Forced to embrace a new style of life to survive, Jake finds himself meeting Neytiri, a local who shows Jake the rest of her tribe and eventually has the job of showing Jake the ways of life of the Na'vi, as commanded by her chief father. As Neytiri and Jake begin to fall in love with one another, Jake finds himself struggling to decide between being a part of the Na'vi or being a human, because it seems that a war between the two is becoming inevitable for control of the planet. 

 Avatar proves to be an epic adventure that combines fantastical concepts with grounded science fiction to create a tale that is both wondrous in scope and execution. While the movie does have plenty of eccentric concepts that certainly could have ended up being confusing even the most brilliant scientists, these creative ideas are introduced and explained with relative ease. There's never really any misunderstanding on how any of the technology works in the movie, and that's part of the true beauty of the movie. Instead of trying to figure out how everything works in the movie, audiences simply just enjoy the movie for what it is without attempting to poke any holes in the plot or story to find fault. 

 Avatar feels inspired throughout its entirety, and there are plenty of extraordinary moments that will be sure to leave viewers wanting to be on Pandora as well and embracing the life of a local Na'vi. The animals, creatures and traditions of the Na'vi are brought to life and become a crucial part of the story-driven plot. Every part of Pandora serves a purpose, and not only does every detail help to capture the imaginative world of Pandora to help transport watchers there, but it also becomes integral to the story as a whole. 

 Avatar has noteworthy visuals that help to bring all of the science fiction ideas to life. Balancing between an utilization of both spectacular special effects and amazingly vivid visual effects, the movie is able to bring everything introduced to life. None of the ideas feel that outlandish, and all of them come off as majestic enough to leave audiences feeling inspired. Aided by the visuals, the movie ends up becoming a symbol of what science fiction can accomplish at its greatest. 

 Avatar is astounding from start to finish and proves to be a roller coaster that is dramatic, intense, emotional and full of breathtaking passion. The movie has just about it all, including a star-studded cast that oozes with talent, especially Sam Worthington's portrayal of Jake Sully and Zoe Saldana's superb version of Neytiri. Both give fantastic performances and make the story of the movie so much more believable. The movie is an invigorating and intoxicating tale that will suck viewers into its movie universe with its captivating concepts that can't be found anywhere else. Without a doubt, this movie is an absolute must-see with a story that deserves to be seen and the fact that it might just be the science fiction genre at its finest. 

The author's comments:

"The Na'vi say, that every person is born twice. The second time, is when you earn your place among the people... forever." - Jake Sully


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